We invite you to join us.
Loving God, we rejoice in the signs of your presence in the world:
for every child who has a home, we praise and thank you God;
for every war that has an end, we praise and thank you God;
for every wound that has been healed, we praise and thank you God;
for every debt that is no more, we praise and thank you God.
And for the dawning of hope for all people, we pray:
where there is hunger and there is need, your kingdom come, O Lord;
where there are walls and barriers of hate, your kingdom come, O Lord;
where the poor pay the price, and the rich take the profit, your kingdom come, O Lord;
and where the earth lies wasted, and the skies are polluted, your kingdom come, O Lord.
Hucclecote Methodist Church
Carisbrooke Road, Hucclecote,