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Methodist Church
Wyev-214 – Copya
Wyev-217 – Copy

An active community of people seeking to follow

Jesus and trying to live as God intends.

We invite you to join us.

Prayer of the Day

Loving God, we rejoice in the signs of your presence in the world:
for every child who has a home, we praise and thank you God;
for every war that has an end, we praise and thank you God;
for every wound that has been healed, we praise and thank you God;
for every debt that is no more, we praise and thank you God.
And for the dawning of hope for all people, we pray:
where there is hunger and there is need, your kingdom come, O Lord;
where there are walls and barriers of hate, your kingdom come, O Lord;
where the poor pay the price, and the rich take the profit, your kingdom come, O Lord;
and where the earth lies wasted, and the skies are polluted, your kingdom come, O Lord.

Contact Us

Hucclecote Methodist Church
Carisbrooke Road, Hucclecote,

Where We Are

© 2025 – Hucclecote Methodist Church